M.K Business Company has
been active in the field of international Business and Engineering Services
since 2006 with the use of specialized
and experienced human resources with the aim of satisfying customers.
This complex with having
experienced staff and also have a practical and scientific background and
planning in international trading & Engineering Services.
Issue is ready for give
and optional services in the field of Export and import goods to European countries,
central Asia, Persian Gulf and far east. In addition this company has overseas
active agents including Eu countries (Germany, Netherlands, Belgium) and TURKEY
and Dubai and China.
Vision :
Our vision is to become a
regional leader in business relation ship management of Goods and Services from
production to the customer and this on a long-lasting basic.
Mission statement :
Our mission is build
excellent Business between international sellers and buyers
in the field of goods and services.
Introduction :
M.K company is a
international business and Engineering group in the heart of Iran’s industrial,
commercial and business center.